2021 Holiday Campaign

12 Days of Tap 2021: Day 12

A Note from Maura Some stories are complete on their own… this one, the story of a determined man and a dedicated family needs little introduction! As a matter of fact, I encourage you to thoroughly read and absorb the narratives contained in this 12 Days Story, watch the corresponding videos and understand the significant […]

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12 Days of Tap 2021: Day 11

Collaborations:  The Key is Connection! A Note from Maura When people ask me what I’ve learned most from almost two decades in a nonprofit aphasia organization, the answer is quick and comprehensive!  Whether it was in the position of Executive Director or in my new role as Director of Clinical Services, … the answer is […]

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12 Days of Tap 2021: Day 10

A Note from Maura Aphasia is defined as a language impairment caused by stroke or other brain injury. It is known to result in deficits in all four language modalities: reading, writing, listening/understanding and speech. But after 30 years of impassioned work with individuals with aphasia and their families (not to mention a personal family […]

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12 Days of Tap 2021: Day 9

A Note from Maura When one is initially introduced to the “rehab therapies”, they are identified as PT, OT, ST. (Of course we know there are many other health and wellness specialties that assist in stroke/brain injury recovery). Other than the possibility that someone in their family experienced a knee or shoulder injury, a broken […]

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12 Days of Tap 2021: Day 8

A Note from Maura I have worked in the field of Speech Pathology for many, many years and my decision and commitment to focus on aphasia brought me the gift of connection with like minded professionals, passionate about making a true difference in the lives of people robbed of the most important aspect of our […]

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12 Days of Tap 2021: Day 7

A Note from Maura All TAP clients begin their relationship with our organization with a brief consultation, currently on Zoom due to the pandemic.  This initial meeting offers an opportunity to explain TAP services and programs, but more importantly the chance to get to know an individual whose life has been altered by the presence […]

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12 Days of Tap 2021: Day 6

A Note from Maura The diagnosis, the questioning, the searching, the connecting, the understanding…that you are NOT alone. Whether an individual’s aphasia is the result of a stroke, a traumatic brain injury, brain tumor, infection or one of these insidious, frustrating neurological impairments (i.e. PPA/FTD)…the process, of what a dear friend/TAP client calls “discovery”, is […]

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12 Days of Tap 2021: Day 5

A dozen years, a million tears, & a priceless gift. A Note from Maura As we gathered the stories for this year’s 12 Days of TAP, I was once again moved by the inspirational narratives and the reality that aphasia does not happen to a single individual, rather that the ripple effect of the communication […]

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12 Days of Tap 2021: Day 4

A Note from Maura When I started TAP way back in 2003, I often referred to a famous line from a movie called Fields of Dreams.  The quote: “If you build it, they will come” seemed to reflect the amazing response by individuals with aphasia and the families that supported them.  The programs, opportunities to […]

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12 Days of Tap 2021: Day 3

A Note from Maura Reflecting on 18 years of service to the community, TAP Unlimited has welcomed, embraced, accompanied and lost many individuals with aphasia.  It’s a reality that reminds me that being called “A Family” is both a responsibility and a blessing.  I’ve watched clients as they became empty nesters, welcomed grandchildren, lost spouses, […]

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12 Days of Tap 2021: Day 2

A Note from Maura When I started the Triangle Aphasia Project, we assumed that most of the individuals referred for services would be those who had suffered a stroke or other traumatic brain injury.  But I’ll never forget one of the first visitors to our Grand Opening. Her name was Elizabeth and she had read […]

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12 Days of Tap 2021: Day 1

A Note from Maura TAP Unlimited, now in it’s 18th year of service, has focused on the individual with aphasia, their family/friends and the community. It is within these service divisions where we recognize the uniqueness of every situation and the relationships that have been impacted by the presence of aphasia. The terms carer, care […]

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