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2020 Holiday Campaign

12 Days of Tap 2020: Baker’s Dozen Bonus!

Ice Breakers: Continuing the Conversation Maura’s Intro: 12 Days of TAP:  …. Wait… it’s Day 13!! Well, you have heard of a Baker’s Dozen, right?  An extra bagel, donut or cookie thrown in for good measure?  Well, this is what this post is all about.  It’s about the TAP Stakeholders that have gone the EXTRA mile. The individuals who have […]

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12 Days of Tap 2020: Day 12

A Holiday Message for YOU! Maura’s Intro: We have something super special for your final day (or is it??) …Day 12 of the 12 Days of TAP! Day 12 brings you the most caring, passionate, incredible individuals who lead the TAP Unlimited Group Programming… we couldn’t catch all of them, but you will see some common themes […]

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12 Days of Tap 2020: Day 11

New Additions – Karen Mercado – Maura’s Intro:  The incredible gift of this job, ask any of the TAP group leaders, is that we have the opportunity to meet these awesome people that make up our TAP Family.  The hard part is knowing that we all wish we hadn’t “needed” to meet.  A common thread in these 12 Days of TAP stories seems […]

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12 Days of Tap 2020: Day 10

Life Interrupted, but Far From Over! – Stephen Albright – Maura’s Intro:  “Twenty four??  What?  I thought strokes happen to older people!”  Those of us in the rehabilitation field hear this exclamation often…shock that someone so young could suffer a brain injury of this type.  But, unfortunately, it happens and the incidence is rising.  I’ve read that more than 10% of the 800,000 strokes that […]

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12 Days of Tap 2020: Day 9

Zoom TAP meetings: Possibilities Abound – Louis Pate – Maura’s Intro:  Covid-19 has kept people apart…and wait…it’s also brought people together.  Being able to see the silver lining of this global pandemic often requires one to recognize new opportunities and seek out topics and activities of interest.  When TAP groups shifted, we worried about losing loyal attendees and how […]

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12 Days of Tap 2020: Day 8

Aphasia: Learning that you are NOT Alone. – Tanya Locklair – Maura’s Intro: Today’s story offers more than inspiration, more than motivation… it offers the opportunity to pause.  To be grateful.  To be present.  It’s a gift and it is personified by this incredible woman.  Tanya came into the TAP Home Office for her consultation accompanied by her friend, […]

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12 Days of Tap 2020: Day 7

Navigating a New Normal while Never Giving Up – Dick Walker – Maura’s Intro: Many of our clients/families, even those with medical or healthcare experience, are thrown into a world of new vocabulary when dealing with the diagnosis of stroke and aphasia. First you are told that your loved one may not survive, and then often told […]

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12 Days of Tap 2020: Day 6

A Warm and Welcoming Ambassador – Jennifer Hargrove – Maura’s Intro: When TAP Unlimited required, like most other service organizations, a shift in programing, many were struck by a new opportunity.  An opportunity for a client to become a part of the larger TAP family.  Let me explain.  TAP Unlimited has a unique model in the […]

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12 Days of Tap 2020: Day 5

A Setback and a Reason for Hope – Dexter Davis – Maura’s Intro: One of the great joys of TAP Unlimited is the ability to give the gift of hope.  This opportunity begins on the day of the initial consultation with TAP and continues throughout the programming choices, trainings and the groups themselves.  We take great pride in partnering with […]

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12 Days of Tap 2020: Day 4

From Fear to Friendship – Michelle Kilgore – Maura’s Intro: It is often said that a story is best told by its author. This is true for everything from recounting family histories to self-advocating for needs by an individual struggling with access. To truly TAP (all pun intended) into the power of autobiographical narratives, you […]

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12 Days of Tap 2020: Day 3

A Friend’s Story:  Forever Friends and “Zoom-Mates” – Carolyn Taylor – Maura’s Intro: One of the saddest things that I hear during consultations with new clients when arriving (or in this case logging in), is when an individual says “My friends are all gone.” Or, “Where did my friends go?”  Unfortunately, this is not an unusual occurrence and I am […]

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12 Days of Tap 2020: Day 2

Speak Softly and Be Heard – Melissa Stanfield – Maura’s Intro: There are many quotes that come to mind when I think of Melissa and her soft, kind and accepting voice.  “The voice of beauty speaks softly; it creeps only into the most fully awakened souls” (Friedrich Nietzsche) is the one that rises to the surface.  Melissa’s aphasia has, as long as I have […]

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