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2018 Holiday Campaign

12 Days of Tap 2018: Day 12

Rebuilding My Life, One Speech at a Time! – Jeff Charles – I am Jeff Charles and I survived a stroke that took 20% of my brain in February 2017.  When I became conscious after my stroke I realized I could not walk, swallow, speak or write. I had aphasia and could not spell or […]

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12 Days of Tap 2018: Day 11

Delivering Confidence – Kellie Blackmon – What TAP means to us… I had a stroke two week after I had my second baby.  His name is Carson.  He is eight months old now.  His older brother Riley is eight years old. I go to the Clayton TAP group and the WakeMed group, TAP help me […]

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12 Days of Tap 2018: Day 10

We Found A Home – Mary Lucas and Ken Boggs – What TAP means to us… When Ken’s stroke occurred on May 20, 2018, life changed dramatically and forever for both of us.  He awoke from this event with Global Aphasia.  He has challenges both in understanding speech and word finding.  This is complicated by […]

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12 Days of Tap 2018: Day 9

Turning 50 with TAP – Helen Moses – On November 8, 2018 I turned 50! A year earlier, on the day I turned 49 and began my 50th year of life, I knew I wanted to do something BIG to celebrate this half-century milestone – something big that involved giving back. By January 2018, I […]

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12 Days of Tap 2018: Day 8

Self Esteam – Tamara Lapsley – My name is Tamara Lapsley and I’m a Speech-Language Pathologist and a TAP Communication Support Team volunteer.  A little over 5 years ago, a dear family friend’s 18 year old son — Austin Harrell – suffered a large LMCA stroke.  I had known Austin since he was born and […]

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12 Days of Tap 2018: Day 7

Caregiving Support – Rozanne Banicki – My mom, Karen, had a stroke three years ago that left her unable to talk.  This has been a huge learning experience that has had its ups and downs.  When we moved to Durham in April of 2017, mom continued her speech therapy with the therapists at Duke.  The […]

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12 Days of Tap 2018: Day 6

Unexpected Detours – Robin King –  A rare early December winter ice/snow ‘event’ is forecast to impact the RDU area this weekend, but who can know for certain, and how does one prepare?  The grocery, hardware, gas station and adult beverage stores will all  benefit, we know, but where the snow or ice will fall […]

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12 Days of Tap 2018: Day 5

The People Are the Reason – Heather Garrabrant – About two million people in the US have aphasia.  That’s more people living with aphasia than living with Parkinson’s disease, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), or Multiple Sclerosis, yet about 85% of people in the US do not know what aphasia is.  About one third of strokes […]

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12 Days of Tap 2018: Day 4

My Definition of TAP – Joel (Kevin) Coleman – 50 year-old Stroke Survivor – I had my Ischemic stroke on July 15th, 2017 critical part my recovery was getting the TPA in the 4-hour window of time. Medical Staff at two hospitals REX, UNC saving me some from normalcy. If not all there, but I […]

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12 Days of Tap 2018: Day 3

Stumbling Into Inspiration – Amy Davis – In my lifetime, I have realized that it is possible to stumble upon opportunities that open up a whole new world in ones’ journey.  This is what happened to me when Maura invited me to join the TAP family.  What I have experienced during my one year at […]

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12 Days of Tap 2018: Day 2

The Phone Call that Changed my Life – Tom Barrett – TAP has changed me and helped me become a better person… I had never heard of Aphasia until August 2015, when a lady called me to help her husband in his recovery from a Stroke. The wild thing about this is the person who […]

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12 Days of Tap 2018: Day 1

“I Can” and “I Did” Lin D’Antonio My name is Lin D’Antonio.  I had my stroke on June 12, 2015 just five days after returning from a trip to England to visit family living there (not a picture of England, but Helen, GA).  It was early Friday morning, just about 3 a.m. when I woke […]

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