At TAP, Nothing is Impossible
– Written by Mark Azzarello –
I saw a lot of time at TAP, 4 weeks upon week.
I reading was impossible when I was first time there. I was given the tape of learning to the book was first. I was just non read. I after tape the I was ready a short form of the book. I could make out a rid of the book. I could see if I read a little.
The teacher opens conversation about was is happening in the book. She was looks at you to join in talking and answering questions. I then I realized I would and understood the book.
On other day the music day – I became to relax. I could feel my right side, not the left side of my head. It loosely restored with music, ability with where is was. I felt I took music and song with real words.

Wednesday TAP worked with other of people conversation. At table of others, teacher had everyone talk. No matter how bad, started topics, being afraid anyway.
She encouraged not to give up. She shows other like – write, gesture, draw, ways to understand you!!
I left me brave with teachers. How to slow down talking. They will help me try! TAP help me to open up to life. I give shown yourself and live again.
From the TAP Home Office:
There is some phenomenal work in the area of mindset in education by Dr. Carol Dweck. She discusses the differences between a growth and a fixed mindset, and how the affiliation of oneself to this frame of reference can influence your ability to make marked change. In the face of challenge, some avoid and perceive no way around the barriers (i.e. fixed mindset); while others allow it to fuel their actions, breaking through to meet goals they set for themselves (i.e. growth mindset). Personally, I have become passionate about this area as it relates to rehabilitation and recovery. Encouraging to those of us who often believe in people more than they can currently believe in themselves, this concept gives us hope and a jumping off point!
When I met Mark, it took me a total of 3 minutes to realize what his inherent mindset is…. Growth! He has been to 3 Learning to Speak Aphasia Trainings, practically every group TAP offers, and is the complete opposite of passive in his recovery from stroke. His nature is to challenge himself, ask for assistance and feedback and all the while, encourage those around him. Mark appreciates this community at TAP and makes those of us who serve feel so good about the impact we are making. Enjoy Mark’s story and learn from his determination. You will clearly see aphasia’s influence on Mark’s writing…read it with amazement of the brain’s ability to express meaning and reorganize with function.